Tuesday, April 20, 2010

good and evil

i've recently become obsessed with religion, god, the devil, sex and death. so i made up this story which is basically my interpretation of heaven and hell. the blue people are the demons and they have flat heads because they dont have brains. the Warlock King (the devil i guess) is the blue guy with the brain and he controls all the demons with his one brain but they can leave whenever they want but he makes hell really good for them. there is an endless bar tab. and abortions clinics are like 24 hour mcdonalds restaurants.

this is the first drawing i did of the demons. theyre lining up to get ja rule tickets but then someone told them ja rule doesnt record anymore, there's no world tour, and they flipped out. demons are huge ja rule fans, ja rule is their kryptonite.

so in this picture the Warlock King is pink because he's fucking an angel. i read in this book that the only way to conquer evil is to make love to it. then i watched this movie barbarella and pygar the angel goes "angels do not make love, they are love" and everything pink in my work is "good" and everything blue is "evil" so when the Warlock King fucks this angel (who i couldnt be fucked painting pink and i thought it would look shit) he becomes good. but only for the duration of the fuck because he's the Warlock King and someone has to put the kids through college and if he becomes good he cant do his job. i took the feathers from the couch cushion. mum was not impressed.

these are the demons hanging out. the ashtray says "fuck living" but you cant really tell cos the photo is bad and one of the demons is masturbating and has her eyebrows raised its funny in real life but you cant really tell here. most of these drawings are inspired by stills from the movie barbarella, i should show you what this one came from. yeah.
so, similar.. but.. yup.

these are some angels coming back from a party. they have chelsea hair cuts cos chelsea hair cuts are dope and kind of monk-like. but more so they are dope. and skin heads rule. and theyre pink cos theyre "good".

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